A friend and thinking partner recently posed a fun question: What makes elite, elite? 

This question can take you in many different directions.  Before you read any further, please take a few minutes and consider how you would answer.

Welcome back.  To no one’s surprise, I started this exercise considering high performers in sports and business.  In addition, the other lens I explored was thinking about serial winning organizations. 

After reflecting on this question for a week and having a conversation with my friend, here’s where I landed. 

  1. Genetic or Environmental Advantage:  I believe it’s important to acknowledge that the best of the best usually have a great starting point.  For an easy example, the average height of an NBA basketball player in 2021 was 6’6 and some change.  The odds are stacked against the person who aspires to play in the NBA who’s under 6-foot.  The same holds true with those who are elite in medicine or business.  My hypothesis is they have a higher capacity to learn and retain than the average person.  Environmental advantages usually take some unpacking to understand.  A lot of great coaches grew up with parents who’ve coached.  Discussions about leading and x’s and o’s were a part of their daily lives.  It’s a built-in advantage. 
  2. Obsessed with Improvement: Once you are in certain spaces, it’s amazing how many people have these genetic or environmental gifts.  What I’ve observed from the best of the best is they have an insatiable desire to improve. For those rare people, taking an off-day is hard.  There’s a paranoia that others are getting better while they are not.  Even if they aren’t concerned with the competition, the thought of not discovering their absolute best scares them.  This obsession allows them to sacrifice and suffer more than the person who is merely good. 
  3. Able to Spot Future Trends: The elite of the elite use their gifts and obsession to be able to see into the future.  They have a clear vision of where the sport or industry is heading.  The rest are forced to play catch-up. They try to keep up with industry trends.  The best, however, are a few steps ahead. 
  4. High-Level Communicators: When I think of high level communicators I think of someone who is living in complete alignment.  Their written-words, body language, orator style, and behaviors all line up. This type of alignment attracts other high-performers to join them on the mission. The elite of the elite know they cannot do it on their own.  Their ability to communicate inspires others to join their team. 

Action Step:

I have two requests this week.  First, my thoughts on this topic are far from a finished product.  I need your help.  Please take a moment this week and let me know what you think makes elite, elite.  Send me an email and we can find a time to chop it up.  I’ve found wrestling with a fun topic helps to put language around things many people just assume they know. 

Second, throw humility out the window for a moment.  I’d love to hear an area in which you are elite.  If that’s too hard, using the framework I laid out, can you identify an area where you could become elite?  Do you have a genetic or environmental gift?  What’s an area you are obsessed with? Are you able to spot future trends?  Have your communication skills inspired others to join the mission? 

I’d love to learn more about you.    


P.S.  My great friend Joe Ferraro’s on-line course is now available.  The feedback has been amazing.  The Damn Good Questions course is for anyone looking to tap into their full potential.  By learning how to ask better questions, you will improve the quality of your conversations and deepen your professional and personal relationships.  The questions we ask are our most efficient and valuable tools to helps us tap into the creativity and curiosity of the world around us.  If you want to enrich your relationships and improve your work, there is no more efficient way than asking better questions.  Joe’s course has resonated with podcast hosts, hiring teams, and interview candidates.  I think you will enjoy!

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