Grit: Physical and mental toughness; perseverance; the ability to overcome obstacles.

Today, most people think things should come easy.  The word we often hear is entitlement which Webster’s defines as, “a belief that one is deserving or entitled to certain privileges.”  There is a misconception that success comes easy; that one should not have to struggle, stumble or encounter adversity to be successful.

What a competitive advantage, displaying grit! Being willing to work harder and longer is more critical than ever.  While others mistakenly expect life to gift wrap them success we can take pride in earning our rewards.  There’s no real success without struggle and strife.  So, this week when life throws you a road block; pause and be thankful.  Your grit is being tested and I know you will win!

I don’t know about you, but I actively seek to hire or coach people who have failed and kept on going.  Grit comes in many different forms. I hope you enjoy this 3-minute segment where I discuss identifying grit in prospects.

Make it a great week,




If you want to break the ice with a group of baseball coaches say this, “Kids have changed.  They are so soft.”  It won’t work on every coach, but this will usually lead to a long conversation about how kids “don’t get it” anymore.

Are you guilty of this?  I know I have fallen in to the trap at times. Sure, complaining can make you feel better.  And, if you choose to complain about the younger generation you will have no shortage of people who will lend you a supportive ear.  There are a few problems with this:

  1. The problems of today’s youth are grossly exaggerated.  If you need proof, do a quick google search of quotes on the problems of past generations.  You will see that for hundreds, and even thousands of years, the older generation has been incredibly disappointed with the youth.
  2. Complaining is not going to help solve the current problems we are dealing with.

Leaders are always looking for ways to improve and provide their organization with a competitive advantage.  A huge competitive advantage for our team or organization is how we choose to engage the younger generation.  In a recent interview with Joe Ferraro we discussed three key ways to engage this critical population:

  1.  Make a Connection- The younger generation wants to know you.  They want honestly, vulnerability, and human touch.  The younger generation demands that we get out of our comfort zone and connect.  Please don’t mistake me, this population wants pushed and held accountable.  However, they want it done by someone who they know and love.
  2. Provide Freedom- This generation is smart and they can often do things faster and better than you.  Here’s the rub: they don’t want to do it your way.  Today’s elite leader will need to check their ego at the door and be more concerned with getting it right than being right.  It is critical to set high-expectations and demand accountability; however, we must provide our people the freedom to own the process.
  3. Provide Opportunities for Growth and Contribution: The younger generation wants to do meaningful work and they want to know they have the ability to develop.  Sure, not everyone can have the role they desire but as leaders we can do a better job showing how every role matters to the success of the organization.  And, equally important, leaders need to provide opportunities for their people to develop.  If you are not growing you are dying.  The elite leader should be excited to help in this critical area.

The majority of coaches and leaders are in the habit of complaining about the younger generation.  This behavior is non productive at best, and frequently it is devastating to an organization.  This blaming and complaining by others is a competitive advantage for us.  This week, I am going to look for ways to be a better serve the younger generation.

Have a great week,





Culture Developmental Strategies

It’s been too long.  The start of the season has made it challenging to keep up with the weekly newsletter post.

For the next several months, it is going to be a struggle for me to create weekly content.  I want to try something new during the course of the baseball season.  Joe Ferraro, from KWB Radio, recently interviewed me.  We touched on several topics that I believe will be beneficial to you.  The interview has been edited to roughly 3-5 minute segments that I think you will enjoy.

This week’s segment focuses on the six steps to culture change:

  1. Face Reality
  2. Create Clarity
  3. Identify Your Why
  4. Win the Day
  5. Study the Results
  6. Adapt your Strategy

I hope you enjoy the new format.  Connecting and growing with you over the past year has been incredible for me.  Please stay in touch!

Coach Deegan